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Cool as a cuke!

Jen V

Cucumbers are in season for the next few weeks so let's crank out some delishness with these bad boys. Cukes are oh so versatile so have some fun exploring new drinks, apps, salads and snacks. In addition to tasting great, cucumbers are also GOOD for you:

Cukes provide a quick pick-me-up: Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins.

Cukes rehydrate the body and replenish daily vitamins: Cucumbers are 95% water, keeping the body hydrated while helping the body eliminate toxins. Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. Don’t forget to leave on the skin because the skin contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 10% of the recommended daily value

...And let's not forget skin and hair care: If you don’t like to eat the cuke skin, it can be used for skin irritations and sunburns as aloe would be used. Place a slice over puffy eyes and its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce puffiness. The silicon and sulfur in cukes help to stimulate hair growth

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