Giving back to the community is something that's important to Mike and I. We believe everyone deserves access to fresh nutrition and we feel blessed to be in a position to enable that access. Early in the season, before plants even hit the soil, Mike and I decided we would ramp up our planting list so we would have enough produce each week to make a weekly produce donation. Last week, we kicked off our season of giving with the Buffalo City Mission, donating about 4 bushels of zucchini and cucumbers. Chef Matt Brown, at the Buffalo City Mission, shared that fresh produce is often difficult to come by at the Mission. But it's an important goal for his team to feature as many fresh fruits and vegetables at the Mission's Women's and Children's Center, as well as, the Men's facility at 100 East Tupper in downtown Buffalo. Mike and I couldn't be more excited to support Chef Matt on his fresh mission this growing season!!