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2019 Quarterly Pasture Egg Share Details


The 2019 2nd Quarter Pasture Egg Share begins on April 8 and runs 12 weeks through June 24. 


* Weekly Pasture Egg Membership (12 weeks):  $70

* Bi-Weekly Pasture Egg Membership (6 Weeks): $35

What You Can Expect:

Members can expect a weekly or bi-weekly delivery of fresh pasture eggs that are only a few hours to a few days old.  You can expect your eggs to come in a variety sizes and colors from white to brown.


A recent Mother Earth News study revealed the following nutritional benefits of Pasture eggs vs eggs from hens raised in confinement:

1/3 less Cholesterol

1/4 less Saturated Fat

2/3 more Vitamin A

2 times more Omega-3 Fatty Acids

3 times more Vitamin E

7 times more Beta Carotene

3-6 times more Vitamin D


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